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53. Gängler, P., Arnold, W.H.
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54. Gängler, P., Arnold, W.H., Steinberg, D.
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55. Gängler, P., Arnold, W.H.
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59. Neues, F., Arnold, W. H., Fischer, J., Beckmann, F., Gaengler, P., Epple, M.
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70. Arnold, W. H., Haase, A., Hacklaender, J., Gintner, Z., Banoczy, J., Gaengler, P. (2007)
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71. Markovic, Lj., Kiene, J., Heine, S., Arnold, W. H., Gängler, P.
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80. Gaengler, P., Kremniczky, T., Arnold, W. H.
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81. Arnold, W. H.
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83. Arnold, W. H., Becher, S., Dannan, A., Widera, D., Dittmar, T., Jacob, M., Mannherz, H. G., Kaltschmidt, B., Kaltschmidt, C., Grimm, W-D.
Morphological characterization of periodontium derived human stem cells.
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84. Naumova, E.A., Gaengler, P., Zimmer, S., Arnold, W.H.
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85. Arnold, W. H., Gonzalez, P., Gaengler, P.
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87. Grimm, W-D., Dannan, A., Becher, S., Gassmann, G., Arnold, W. H., Varga, G., Dittmar, T.
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88. Kovtun, A-, Kozlova, D., Ganesan, K., Biewald, C., Seipold, N., Gaengler, P., Arnold, W. H., Epple, M.
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89. Naumova, E. A., Kuehnl, P., Hertenstein, P., Markovic, L., Jordan, R. A., Gaengler, P., Arnold, W. H.
Fluoride bioavailability in saliva and plaque.
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90. Arnold, W. H., Gaengler, P.
Light- and electronmicroscopic study of infiltration of resin into initial caries lesions—a new methodological approach.
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91. Naumova, E.A., Sandulescu, T., Bochnig, C., Gaengler, P., Zimmer, S., Arnold, W.H.
Kinetics of Fluoride Bioavailability in Supernatant Saliva and Salivary Sediment.
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92. Naumova, E. A., Sandulescu, T., Benson, S., Engler, H., Schedlowski, M., Zimmer, S., Gaengler, P., Thie, M., Arnold, W. H.
Fluoride bioavailability in saliva during acute psychological stress.
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93. Naumova, E. A., Niemann, N., Aretz, L., Arnold, W. H.
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94. Keeve, P.L., Gerhards, U., Arnold, W.H., Zimmer, S., Zöllner, A.
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95. E. A. Naumova, T. Sandulescu, P. Al Khatib, M. Thie W-K. Lee, S. Zimmer, W. H. Arnold
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98. Markovic, L., Jordan, R. A., Glasser, M-C., Arnold, W. H., Nebel, J. Tillmann, W., Ostermann, T., Zimmer S.
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99. Naumova, E. A., Sandulescu, T, Bochnig, C., Al Khatib, P., Lee, W-K., Zimmer, S., Arnold, W. H.
Dynamic changes in saliva after acute mental stress.
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100. Arnold, W. H., Heidt, B. A., Kuntz, S., Naumova, E. A.
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101. Arnold, W. H., Bachstaedter, L., Benz, K., Naumova, E. A.
Resin Infiltration into Differentially Extended Experimental Carious Lesions
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101. Arnold, W.H., Prange, M., Naumova, E.A.
Effectiveness of various toothpastes on dentin tubule occlusion.
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102. Mohr, M ., Tosun, S., Arnold, W. H. Edenhofer, F., Zänker, K. S. Dittmar, T.
Quantification of cell fusion events human breast cancer cells and breast epithelial cells by using a Cre-LoxP-based double fluorescence reporter system.
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103. Naumova, E. A., Valta, A., Schaper, K., Arnold, W. H. Piwowarczyk, A.
Microleakage of different self-adhesive materials for lithium disilicate CAD/CAM crowns.
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Gängler, P., Arnold, W.H. .
Struktur und Funktion des Gebisses und der Mundhöhle.
In: Gängler, P. Hoffmann, Th., Willershausen, B., Schwenzer, N., Ehrenfeld, M.(eds.). Konservierende Zahnheilkunde.
Thieme, Stuttgart, New York; 2005, pg. 13-56
Gängler, P., Arnold, W.H., Steinberg, D.
Zahnkaries – Grundlagen und Diagnostik; Ätiologie und Pathogenese.
In: Gängler, P. Hoffmann, Th., Willershausen, B., Schwenzer, N., Ehrenfeld, M.(eds.). Konservierende Zahnheilkunde.
Thieme, Stuttgart, New York; 2005, pg. 112-136
Gängler, P., Arnold, W.H.
Parodontalerkrankungen – Grundlagen und Diagnostik; Ätiologie und Pathogenese.
In: Gängler, P. Hoffmann, Th., Willershausen, B., Schwenzer, N., Ehrenfeld, M.(eds.). Konservierende Zahnheilkunde.
Thieme, Stuttgart, New York; 2005, pg. 259- 274
Gängler, P. Arnold, W. H.
Clinical Aspects of Tooth Diseases and their Treatment.
In: Handbook of Biomineralization. Medical and Clinical Aspects. Eds: Epple, M., Baeuerlein, E.
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim; 2007, pp 203-222
Arnold, W. H.
Histologie der Pulpa. In: Baumann, M. A., Beer, R. (Hrsg.): Endodontologie.
Farbatlanten der Zahnmedizin. Wolf, F. (Hrsg.).
Thieme, Suttgart, 2. Aufl. 2007, pp 2-6
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